How does PSYCH110 work?
PSYCH110 is entirely online. For each topic in the course, you’ll watch short videos about that topic, then you’ll watch the movie, do some reading, listen to a podcast-style interview, and then—when you’re ready—take the test. It’s all self-paced.
where do I get the movies?
You can obtain the movies from a variety of sources, including online streaming services (AppleTV, DocPlay, ETV), some of which are free, while others charge a small fee. DVDs are available from speciality shops (Aro Video), and the library holds at least one copy of each DVD.
What are the topics and the movies?
There are 5 topics. In the first, you’ll learn about movies themselves, and the illusions you experience when you watch them. In the remaining 4 topics, you’ll learn about psychopathy (and watch The Hurt Locker); obedience to authority (The Experimenter); the contributions of nature and nurture in shaping who we are (Three Identical Strangers); and repressed memory (Waltz with Bashir).
How much work do I need to do?
The national guidelines for a 15-point course are that the average student wanting an average passing grade should expect to devote 150h to the course. You might need more, or less, time to get the grades you want.
Tell me about the assessment
There are five tests, and you can take each one when you want as long as you take the tests within certain start and end dates (see When does PSYCH110 start and end below) You must complete each test in a certain time limit.
Is there a textbook?
Yes, there is a textbook for this course. Thanks to the generosity of many psychological scientists worldwide, the textbook is free. It is available for you online, through Moodle.
When does PSYCH110 start and end?
PSYCH110 starts the 11th of November. You must complete your assessment by the 20th of December at 5pm. By popular demand, we will open a discussion forum on Moodle so you can discuss future study and career opportunities in psychology. This forum will run from 18-20th December, and is optional.
Great! Where do I sign up?
You can apply to enrol via MyWaikato or contact your Division.